Uncle Alf's Auto Repair

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The signs at Uncle Alf's Auto Repair Shop

I was fortunate enough to meet and talk with the Pratt's uncle, Alf Prato, who runs the local auto repair shop.  It seems that when the Pratt boys were kids, they would visit their Italian relatives during summer vacation, and Uncle Alf's auto repair shop was one of the places they hung out.  It was Dave's favorite hangout, but John and Joe spent a lot of time there as well. Most of the cars in Uncle Alf's shop were Alfa Romeos.  In fact, I understand the majority of the Alfas in town spent most of their time in Uncle Alf's shop, and still do today.  Anyway, I guess that is where Dave's interest in Alfas originated.   More recently I think Dave has begun to notice how much time his Alfas spend in the shop and has begun to look for something with a better repair history.  But it's time for me to stop prattling, and get on with the story.


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Page last updated May 02, 2004