Special Report - November 16, 2000
Signs of India
[Thus far, the reports have been by location and chronological. Allen is going to do a few reports based on subject matter instead, and this is the first of these:]
Here are some pictures of signs we have seen along the way. Some are funny due to misspellings or (from an American English point of view) strange usage. Others illustrate some facet of Indian life or culture.
Click on the thumbnails below for a larger view, then use your browser's Back button
Added on November 26, 2000:
Added on December 23, 2000:
Added on January 25, 2001:
Added on February 27, 2001:
- A couple of our readers have corresponded indicating their skepticism that Jikaka and Benifaiva Bhatt actually referred to their car as the Bhattmobile, so click here to view a photo of said vehicle taken just before embarking on a Bhattmission. [Hey, with a name like Pratt, I can get away with scams like this...]