Installment #21 - January 26, 2001
Darjeeling Himalayan Railway
The Darjeeling Himalayan Railway (DHR) runs from New Jalpaiguri (370 feet above sea level), through Ghum (the second highest railway station in the world at 7407 feet) and on to Darjeeling (at 6812 feet) for a total length of 88 km or 55 miles. The track is the smaller of the two narrow gages found in India610mm. The line was opened from Siliguri to Darjeeling in 1881, and became part of the Indian Railway system in 1948. It was extended to New Jalpaiguri in 1962.At the end of 1999, the DHR had 14 B class steam locomotives (distinguished by a large saddle water tank and side coal bunkers), at least one dating from 1892. In 2000, two new NDM6 diesels were added.
[For those of you who aren't aware, Allen became a train geek after living many years in Scotia, NY alongside a set of four active cross-country freight railroad tracks.] There is one train a day in each direction running the entire distance from New Jalpaiguri to Darjeeling (usually diesel), with a second daily (steam) train running during tourist season. The trip takes 7 to 8 hours one way and sometimes longer. Additional trains run over shorter distances using steam power.In 1999, the DHR was granted UNESCO World Heritage status. The UNESCO report says, "The Darjeeling Himalayan Railway is the first, and still the most outstanding, example of a hill passenger railway. Opened in 1881, it applied bold and ingenious engineering solutions to the problem of establishing an effective rail link across a mountainous terrain of great beauty. It is still fully operational and retains most of its original features intact."
I climbed aboard the daily diesel-powered run to Darjeeling from New Jalpaiguri at around 8:45 on Tuesday, January 9, along with a full load of Indians and a few other foreign tourists, including Phil and Melanie Peacock. Moving at a speed of around 12 MPH, we were soon on our way! For the first part of the trip, we paralleled a meter gauge line, and at one point we even shared a rail as we passed over a narrow bridge. A few kilometers past Siliguri Junction, we began to climb, and the speed dropped to around 7MPH. The DHR follows the route of Hill Cart Road and crosses it more than 100 times, I was told, on the way to Darjeeling! The track maintains a maximum slope of 1 foot up for each 22.5 feet forward, and uses one of two tricks when Hill Cart Road becomes steeper: a loop or a reverse.
There are three loopsplaces where the track makes a complete circle and passes over itself. On two of these loops, the Chinbati loop and the Batasia Loop, the track actually makes one and a half circles, heading out in more-or-less the opposite direction from which the loop was entered. The Batasia Loop is perhaps the most photogenic place on the line because the toy train can be photographed (if the weather is good) with Kanchenjunga in the background.There are also six reverses where the track comes to an end. The train stops and then, running in reverse, passes through a switch onto another track that continues to climb, until it too ends. The train then runs forward again through another switch and continues upward. Seen from above, a reverse would look like a letter Z.
We stopped at Tindharia (one of 13 stations along the line) for lunch. I had ordered lunch and a Coke from a fellow who had passed through the train earlier. Here he handed me, through the train window, a metal plate of Indian food, and a 1.5 liter bottle of coke!
The air became cooler as we climbed and, by the time we reached Ghum (sometimes called "Gloom" due to the cold, foggy weather), the sun was close to setting and it was getting downright cold. We paused twice on the way up to pass another train, and the second time was in Ghum. After the train had passed, we began our decent into Darjeeling, arriving at dusk, and completing my first toy train journey.
On Sunday, I decided to ride the down train about 20 miles to Kurseong and to return to Darjeeling on the daily up train from New Jalpaiguri. The down train was diesel, but the up train was steam, and that return ride to Darjeeling was my first and (I expect) only experience riding on a steam-propelled train during my Indian visit.
I thoroughly enjoyed my ride on the steam up train, but am now glad that the Indian railways have converted almost completely to diesel and, even better, to electric. Before I could sit on a seat in one of the three second-class coaches, I had to brush the cinders off the seat, which turned my hand black. The steam locomotive seemed almost like a living thing, pulling the train forward in pulsating surges. It filled the air with smoke, steam, cinders, and glowing embers that got into my eyes and hair and onto my clothes. Frequent and long stops for water were required; the schedule had to be arranged to suit the needs of the locomotive. [Also, Allen has never gotten over the bitter disappointment of discovering that, when he graduated from college with a degree in engineering, he still couldn't drive a train.]
I was surprised at my reaction to this steam locomotive; we planned our Indian trip around train travel largely because I wanted to ride the steam trains, and I was disappointed to learn that they had virtually disappeared from the Indian Railway in the 5 or 6 years between conception and execution of the trip. I now think that steam travel is great as a hobby and tourist experience, and I wouldnt mind taking a few more steam rides, but I agree that diesel and electric are far superior for serious transportation.
As it began to get dark, the electrician rigged the train's lights, which are powered by a steam turbine generator on the locomotive. The small lights in the passenger coaches are powered by twisting together the bare ends of wires that hang between the coaches. My steam ride concluded when we arrived at the Darjeeling station after dark.
My last ride on the Darjeeling Himalayan Railway was on Tuesday. I packed my bags, had breakfast, and walked to the train station where one of the two diesel locos was busy assembling the four-car train (a second class coach, a first class coach, and two baggage cars) for the return trip down the mountain. It was a beautiful, clear day and Kanchenjunga was clearly visible from the train station (see the previous report for a picture).
I sat with Phil and Melanie in the second class coach, but soon found myself crowded into a small seat with my backpack on my lap, and other people and baggage crammed all around. At Ghum, I moved into the first class coach, which I shared with only three other people. The first class fare was about 120 rupees, while second class was only about 20, so almost everyone travels second class. My Indrail pass entitled me to first class, but I had been riding the toy trains mostly in second class (many steam-powered trains have only second class). This time, I decided to take advantage of the privilege afforded by the pass, and sat far from the maddening crowd.
The toy train coaches do not have air brakes. The mechanical brakes are controlled by brakemen on each car, who operate a foot lever or hand wheel. The squeal of brakes mixes with the sound of the diesel locomotive air horn most of the way down the mountain. The mountain views are spectacular, and are mixed with village views as the train toots its way through the main streets of mountainside towns.
Quoting from "A guide to the Darjeeling Himalayan Railway" by Richard Wallace, which has served as the source for many of the facts presented in this report, "Over one hundred and twenty years of operation and still going strongthe Darjeeling Himalayan is, without dispute, Indias premier heritage line!"
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