Report #1 Finally hitting the road
Well I'm finally getting underway tomorrow (Sunday) morning. I'll be driving from Mountain View to Coarsegold to an Escapees RV park where I plan to spend a few days before heading on to Nevada. I plan to spend my time in Coarsegold trying to absorb as much knowledge as I can from the more experienced RVers there. Then I drive through Yosemite to June Lake for an overnight, then on to Nevada.
I plan to start my high pointer's club doings by climbing Boundary Peak in Nevada, and the end of the climbing season is about here, so I'm heading in that direction at a faster rate than I hope will be my norm.
I've been adding more and more stuff to the trailer, and I'm getting nervous about what the next weighing will show. I overdid it stocking up on groceries, and will need to start using up and not replacing some of the heavy food.
Last Monday I took the trailer to a refrigerator place in Vallejo, and spent the night outside the shop in preparation for my Tuesday morning appointment. On Tuesday morning, the guy got out his equipment, then turned on the refer and it started right up. We couldn't make it fail, so I turned around and came home, and it has been on and working fine on gas ever since.
I replaced the single 12v battery with a pair of 6v golf cart batteries (not because of the refer but because I wanted additional capacity for boondocking). I debated getting four, but decided to wait and see how I did on two (2 more will add another 100 pounds, and make it hard to put much else in the front outside compartment) When I get to the Phoenix area I will have solar panels installed, then I'll see how I make out boondocking.
The plan as far as I have worked it out is Coarsegold, Boundary peak, probably Parump, NV, Las Vegas, Grand Canyon, Humphreys peak (AZ highpoint), then various places in AZ to take care of business, then eastward across the southern states toward Florida, then up the east coast to New England arriving late July to mid August next year. I may come back to southern CA in April for the Escapees Spring Escapade in Lancaster. I'm not sure how that will fit into the overall plan.
I hope to begin posting stuff about the trip on my website once I get going. I'm writing this late Saturday afternoon sitting in the trailer parked on the street near our Mountain View apartment, and I am connected to the internet through my WiFi card, courtesy of someone in a nearby apartment who has a wireless network. I'm sure I won't find such easy connections most of the time, but maybe I'll luck out occasionally.
Page last updated June 24, 2011